Contributor Helen Lallos-Harrell explores the complex decision with which Ukraine grapples — whether or not to hold elections under martial law and the ongoing war with Russia.
Staff writer, Sal Cerell, examines the implications of Indonesia’s fragile democratic status.
Staff writer, Carmine Miklovis, examines the broader implications of democratic backsliding by Turkey and Brazil.
Staff Writer Prerita Govil analyzes the rising trends in nationalism in relation to the state of democracy today, specifically focusing on India and the United States.
Managing Editor Dayana Sarova elucidates the shortcomings of centrally controlled European financial institutions.
Staff Writer Julia Larkin navigates the ups and downs of the American Electoral College system.
Staff Writer Stephanie Hernandez discusses the organization and motivations of the student protests in Nicaragua that have left more than 200 dead since April.
Staff Writer Adam Goldstein discusses Tunisia's secular and religious divide, and why it did not hinder democratization during the Arab Spring.
Executive Editor William Kakenmaster explores U.S. Intervention and Expanded Conceptualizations of Peace and Democracy.
Staff Writer Laura Thompson discusses the potentially imperiled state of fundamental U.S. values due to polarized political actions against demographic groups in reaction to concerns over terrorism and the refugee crisis.