Executive Editor, Caroline Hubbard, analyzes the food shortages caused by Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the potential international famine that could arise.
Staff Writer Samantha Diaz analyzes how NAFTA and USMCA have impacted Mexico over the last 25 years
Staff Writer Milica Bojovic discusses the challenges and successes of the South American trade bloc Mercosur and whether or not it has been effective within the region.
Guest Writer Gabriel Manetas examines President Jair Bolsonaro’s evolving trade rhetoric with China amidst the U.S.-China trade dispute and its reshaping of Southern geopolitics.
Staff Writer Madison Mauro explains the nuanced trade relationship between the United States and China.
Secretary Deborah Carey amends her analysis of the AGOA forwarded in the last issue of The World Mind.
Guest Writer Sam Mason discusses the connections between resource overspecialization and regime type.
Associate Reviewer Paul Jeffries discuses the international legal implications that undergird Donald Trump’s trade policy.