Contributing Editor Rehana Paul explores the role women play in Islamic terrorist organizations.
Staff writer, Emmet McNamara, looks into the military defeat of the Islamic State and its potential repercussions on the international community.
Outreach Editor Gabe Delsol illustrates the successes and failures of prison policies intending to prevent the radicalization of inmates.
Design Editor Camila Weinstock elucidates the ramifications of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States and those of the earlier 9/11 authoritarian coup in Chile.
Contributing Editor William Kakenmaster reviews Writing the War on Terrorism by Richard Jackson.
Guest Writer Buzz Helfrich explains the links between economics and terrorism.
Guest Writer Jesse Lyons frames al-Qaeda’s possible resurgence in the context of the Islamic State.
Contributing Editor Emily Dalgo analyzes contemporary Presidents’ unique approaches to counter-terrorism strategies.
Staff Writer Kevin Michael Levy argues that instead of focusing on what we think ISIS wants, we need to focus on what the U.S. wants.
Staff Writer Erik St. Pierre discusses France’s increasing tendency to forgo civil liberties for security following recent terrorist attacks.